Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I am experiencing a roller coaster ride of emotions. One minute I am doing alright and everything seems like it is getting better, then the next my heart is broken. I build myself up with different things and expressing myself to just be deflated by a single sentence here and there. Maybe I deserve that. I have been praying and hoping for anything to do to show the people in my life that they mean the world to me. Specific people anyhow. I think most of my friends and family know that I count on them everyday in different ways and I am grateful for everything they give me. For, those that I have either wronged or hurt or do not believe me. I am a new man. The past did happen, that was the old me, I take complete responsibility. That being said, the past is gone. It is a new day, a new way, a new me. Have faith.

I believe the reason all this is happening is to change me and the people around me. This change will allow for better relationships. So, that the problems of yesterday no longer can plague the days of tomorrow.

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