Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Stand Firm

Going off my last post...everyday you have the ability to turn your life in the direction of your goals. The ultimate goal, happiness. Happiness for all people means different things: such as reaching milestones, meeting someone special, or simply being able wake up with no regrets and a clear conscience. The important thing is going after what makes you happy. Forget what other people think, live your life the way you want to. And stand firm in your decisions. I think a lot of people bring themselves down by having regrets. Life is about making decisions for better or worse these decisions mold the people we are. You have to be content with yourself before you can ever achieve anything noteworthy or significant. Once you realize that - the sky is the limit. Meaning, that even if you wake up one day not happy with where you are you have the ability to change your future. But never regret the decisions that brought you to where you are. They are life lessons upon which to build a successful happy future. A certain quote comes to mind, " success does not entail in never making blunders but in never making the same one a second time.". We go through difficult times in order to grow and build up a cache of knowledge for the future in order that we know how to handle a certain situation in a more proper way. Life is a trail by error game. I believe you can find a lot of hope in this philosophy. Because it means that as we progress through life, life's trials should get easier. Then it's easier to unlock lifes treasures. It's also easier to know and go after what makes us happy. It all begins in standing firm in your aspirations and going after them without looking back.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Confidence vs. cockness vs. lack of either. Life is about attitude. The attitude you have about yourself and what you want to accomplish. Without the right attitude it is difficult to go after and attain the things you want in your life. This is the case for all aspects of life...careers, relationships and even material things I suppose. It takes an understanding of each of lifes situations to know how hard to pursue something. It takes passion to have a real understanding to know what you have to do to get the things you care about. If you have passion-the right amounts of confidence come naturally. If you lack passion then whatever you are trying to attain isn't going to be easy. Cause you will either come off as cocky or the opposite...it will seem like you lack interest. Passion is where all the good things in our lives stem from. Passion is where it all begins and where it ends. I say live your life for the things you truly care about. I think a lot of us lose sight of this simple philosophy. Go after the things in life that make you feel alive. The things in life you wake up thinking about and later the things you drift off to sleep with on your mind. Life's stresses have a way of making us lose sight of this, our passions. Fight to hold on to them...do not give up. Happiness is ours to find and the great thing is...if we can locate that passion inside us we know where to look for happiness. Passion is in us all. Open yourself up to it.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Common Decency

This is related to my last post because a similar issue is on my mind. That issue being: how people can be so completely rude and sometimes down right mean. I see it pretty much everyday. With people In public, the people I work with, even sometimes with the people I call friends. It's really concerning how often people can forget that others have feelings. Not only is it concerning but with so much of this behavior going on it's easy to lose faith in our fellow man. I mean why do people treat each other this way. I know with all certainty that I would not be counted among this population. I go out of my way to be there for people and support them in whatever way I can. Though, I am troubled because I see so few doing the same thing. So few people showing common decency. I don't even mean towards strangers (while that would be ideal), but towards the people they supposedly care about. How have we as a population drifted so far from seeing what is right? Is it that people are so self-centered that they can not see beyond themselves? I believe this is the case. The world does not revolve around you.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Necessary Changes

Making changes throughout our lives is constant and unending. With time comes change it's ineviatble. Some of us are better than others at adapting to this change. Change happens in all aspects of our lifestyles though I believe the hardest and most troubling is when we realize we need to cut people out of our lives. It's especially hard when the person or persons have been important to us at some point. Though, at the current time they are bringing us down in one or more ways. Even if they have hurt us in some way it is difficult to let go because we do have feelings for them. Whether they are romantic feelings or otherwise. For me at least when I realize that a friend or loved one needs to be cut from my life it isn't an easy process. I always think something with them will change and that person will no longer be a drain on my mental health. Though, that is almost never the case. It is me that needs to make the change...because the person is too dense to realize they are hurting me. The problem is even by me making the change to cut them from my life it is still me being hurt. In the end these are necessary changes.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Set Mind To Purpose

At the end of the day...much like this day I do realize what I want from my life and in my life. It isnt that I am unsure of something. If anything I am too sure. The thing is that I fail to live up to my own expectations fairly often. For one reason or another I settle on something that doesn't exactly fit my original plan. I mean this very generally... it is true for almost all aspects of my life. I could improve upon a great deal. I think about all of the ways I could improve upon the different areas of my life. The problem that I come to is the motivation, or the fact that change can be scary. And, usually one of those two end up holding me back. So, I need to really be more proactive about setting my mind towards what I want out of life. That way I can be 100 percent happy with what I have, and what I have in front of me. Though, mindset would only be half the battle... acting on that mindset is where real results are found.