Sunday, March 29, 2009

Break From Reality

So, since Wednesday I have been in Keene, New Hampshire visiting Matt and his whole crew. I had absolutely nothing coming up police wise or even job related so I decided to lead an alternative life than the one I was use to. Well maybe. I say maybe because my life for the past year or so has been one of just making the most of life. I haven't had a job since I worked at Gymnastic Spectrum (that's right haha) 13 months ago. I have lived off of my savings and now they are pretty much depleted. So, this one last trip has been the final hurrah. When I get back to Connecticut tomorrow I am forcing myself to pick up a part time job somewhere while I continue to pursue a career in law enforcement.

This trip has opened up my eyes to a broader array of potential avenues. I am largely increasing the spectrum of departments I am going to apply for, meaning not just CT departments. Also, I am waiting for the government application to apply to take the civil service test. A government job in homeland security is something that I have always wanted to do but am finally taking the first steps. Also, I realized that I do not have to live in CT. I am just fine in new places with new people and I have to do want I have to do. I can't be concerned about leaving people behind or losing them. Cause if they want to be in my future they will actively try to be.

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