Thursday, October 8, 2009


Forgiveness is something that has always come easy to me. I look at the good side of almost every situation and also at the good in people…maybe too often or too quickly, I don’t know. However, I feel that everyone is entitled a second shot or even more if necessary. It is in my nature to try and alleviate situations that bring me sadness or some type of discomfort. I do not like holding grudges especially with the people I love and care about. Throughout my life I can come up with many times where I was extremely hurt or saddened by something a close friend or family member did to me. If that person apologized sincerely then I would forgive them right away… and even sometimes without an apology. See, I believe it is better to move on and learn from the situation rather than to dwell on it and have it constantly be with me. I want peace at heart and piece of mind. If everything and everyone in my life is doing well then I am doing well. Holding back on forgiveness just brings misery to me. The part of all of this that is most troublesome is that usually this outlook is not shared when I have wronged someone. Believe me I have said sorry a lot…most likely more than people have said it to me. The thing is when I screw up it usually is something pretty awful. Maybe it’s the severity to blame for my apologizes not being excepted. I do not know why I do these things that are so destructive to myself. Though, I don’t know…I would accept an apology from anyone for almost anything if it was deep from their heart…true and sincere. I hope that people can begin to see the world the way I do… That such things as being bitter, holding grudges, and having distaste only bring you down; whether you know it or not. So, why not forgive and move on? Now, I am not saying forgive and forget…they are two completely different things. Forgetting would only be counter productive with how I see things. If you remember all the situations that have led others to hurting you, you yourself can learn from them. You can take something good from the wrong that happened. Don’t ever forget what has happened… remember it and remember it well. Doing so when done for the right reasons will make you a better person. A more complete person. Forgive but never forget.

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