Wednesday, February 25, 2009

That Invisable Cloud

I hate the saying, "love is blind" because to a vast extent it is true. Love is so blinding in fact that it manipulates the person under its power. It can convince you of things even if you thought the opposite, it turns irrationality into rationality. I have fallen in love and consequently have been living in a sort of cloudy world. I would see things, hear things, and look at actions but I could not see through them. I was not able to see the attended meaning because they were covered by this cloud. That cloud that blinds you while you are in love is very dangerous. It convinced me that I was wrong when I was not, it made me believe I had to change, it actually made me hurt. Love is not suppose to hurt. I realize that love hurts when it is one of the two people under the spell. The actual true love I am talking about goes like this: it is the type of attachment and companionship that has you believe you don't need another person in this world, it is the type of feeling deep in your chest that when your significant other is sick or unhappy you feel their pain but also that you would go to the ends of the earth to have them feel better for even just one minute, it is when you wake up in the morning and can't wait to talk to them, it is when you think this is going to be the greatest day of your life because you have woke up next to them, it is when love goes beyond words but you still try using every word in the dictionary to let them know you love them. To me love is very painful because this is the only kind I have known for a long while. The love I give is true, genuine, honest and filled to the brim with good intentions. However, this love is not never ending. I do not believe in the notion that once you have loved someone part of your heart will always be theirs. I am being hypocritical here because I use to think this, but times have changed the way I see the world and the people in it. It is possible to erase love. Once that cloud has been lifted you are able to see clearly. So, clearly that everything comes back. You can remember everything and how it happened back when you were in love, after the cloud has been lifted. Taking the blame for a fight, decided it was better just to agree, put off something in your life, been taken for granted. All of these things are not love. These are all things that contribute to the destruction of love. If you are wrong then admit it, otherwise don't. If it is your opinion then stick to it, do not change your ideas for someone else. If you want to do something in your life, then do it. If you ever have done something so thoughtful and nice and not gotten a thank you do not push it aside, you need to talk about how that hurts you. I am guilty of not doing the right thing when it came to feeling unloved. It just builds up more and more until you can't handle it anymore. This is not healthy for any relationship, even if both partners do love each other. The point of this post is try and lift that cloud if it makes you hurt, try and see clearly. Being in love and having it returned back to you is the greatest feeling in this world. When you have it cherish it and make it last, but make it last because of hard work, and good intentions. And when you start to doubt someone elses love for you, you probably have a legitimate concern. Deal with it sooner than later.

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