Sunday, February 22, 2009

Forgetting Your Youth

As we grow up we hear stories from many people about their youths. They tell us to take advantage of being young and being able to live our lives carefree. You don't hear many stories from people older than you about how they went out last weekend and had a great time with friends and/or family. Or how on a random Tuesday (or any day) they were spontaneous and did something fun. These stories really are far and few between. This is not the way life should be lived. That statement is the point of this post.

I learned a saying at my time at Western Connecticut State University. It was taught to me during pledgeship of the Sigma Chi Fraternity. One of the principles Sigma Chi's follow is "retain your spirit of youth". This term/principle/ideal/value whatever you want to call it and however you personally see it is up to you. However, if you live your life with this phrase along with other noble qualities you never have to grow "old". By this I mean as you get older more and more responsibilities come about and tend to take over your life, but if you take the time to live and have fun with life you never have to lose that elusive quality. I say grasp a hold of your spirit of youth and live life to have fun the best you can each and everyday. If you have to sacrifice something to make your life better and the lives around you better then there is no question about the decision you should make. We are on this earth one, short time. It flies by. Make the most of your days. I can honestly say if you live to be happy you will have no regrets. Do the things that bring you joy, keep those around you that make you happy and toss out everything that brings you down. You wake up everyday with a clean slate. 12, 14, 16, 18 hours however long you will be awake for, on any give day, you have those hours of that day to live happy. Make the most of your life. Skip a day of work for a day of fishing, shopping, catching up with friends. Cut a class to call home, send an email to a old friend, watch your favorite movie, sit in the quad and love where you are. You can do anything you want it is your life, just make time for yourself to be happy.

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