Monday, February 23, 2009

The Loss Of Sight

I do not mean literally the ability to see. Though, the type I am concerned with is equally as devastating and blinding. It is the forgetting or jumping off track of vision, goals, or that ever present quest of getting as close as possible to ideals. We do whatever we can to reach these things and then set our sights on new points of interest. However, sometimes we veer off in different directions because of outside influences, changes in what we want, or for any other reason your aim has become skewed.

If you are one of these people that have been influenced in some way or another to abandon the righteous things that once drove you to be a better person this post is for you. I understand that we all have choices to make. Choices that dictate your future and sometimes the future of others. When you lose sight of the things that once drove you what has your life become but a hollow shell for evil influences to fill. Hopefully, though unfortunately doubtful such qualities as: integrity, honor, love, and trust do not drive all of us. This post is for you if you are driven by only making a dollar, or if you sell others out for self benefit, or if you find joy in the belittling of others, or have forgotten who put you on this earth (not your mom and dad), or any other viscous, cruel, or terrible thing done to your fellow humans. Do to those as you want to be done to you. Meaning treat people how you would want to be treated; in all situations.

When the loss of sight occurs people change and become something that they never thought they could be. Though, they do not realize the transformation. It takes a good friend, a strong family member, a realization in Christ. To change these people once something like this happens. If you know someone that has lost sight in anything, I challenge you to help them find their way.

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