Friday, May 13, 2011

True Love

I have written about love and all the feelings that go along with it. I have tried to articulate how in my life I have loved and been loved. Some of you people out there may think I am full of crap or that I'm just back in love but in reality I'm not entirely sure I ever grasped the true feeling and emotion that the word love is suppose to represent. That is...until now. Everything that I thought love was has been completely blown out of the water. Maybe though I have known love in the past. However, perhaps I wasn't letting myself open up to it's full potential or the ability/room for it to develop into what I now know love to be. It's enlightening to a major extent... I feel as if I was living life only half alive. That I was experiencing life half blind. I couldn't live or see what life was really about. I can't even really explain what it is that is different this time around. I just start rambling and in fact have written and rewritten sentences trying to explain my feelings only to delete them. I think though that's part the of this that makes it so much more real. True love honestly can not be put into words. It's an emotion that does beyond all the words in the dictionary. It's something that bonds two people closer together and goes beyond basic understanding. The best way I can describe it is this: It's a glimpse of how God loves us unconditionally. That love can not be put into words. It is a blessing from God himself that two people should be together; when they are able to love each other in a similar way to how He loves us. I believe that's true love.

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