Saturday, May 21, 2011

Calling All Christians

It's saddening when I realize what the world has become during days like today. The "rapture" was suppose to happening according to one Christian sect. However ridiculous that is in itself it's not that which upsets me. It's the fact that due to social media I am able to see clearly how few Christian's there are out there. How few people I am certain are actually saved; that have taken the Lord as their savior.

I see it like this though: that it's times like these that the Lord opens our eyes so that we see we need to further His word and His work. There is so much more we all could be doing as Christians. The message we all should be taking from this day is this: there is a lot of work to do out there. We may be saved as Christians, though, in being of the Lord's flock we need to strive to do works in his name. To spread the word to whomever will hear it. While doing so doesn't get you into heaven it should be something that we all do. Something we should be compelled to do. Sing from the rooftops and proclaim the Word of God as living truth. The world needs Christians now more than ever to step up to the plate.

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