Sunday, May 10, 2009

What Is Love?


A feeling, A emotion. It has been written about in plays, lyrics, poems, letters and cards. It has been said by every single class, race, and sex. No matter your religion you believe in a higher emotion that develops in one's heart. This love can never really be described or understood. It is beyond words, it is beyond action. You can feel love and have someone feel your love, but trying to tell others how you feel is nearly impossible. At least telling them exactly how you feel and what you feel inside you. I find love is one of the hardest things to fully explain. Though, I will now try.


Is when you wake up each and every morning and think about someone. You go on with your day thinking about them and knowing they are thinking about you. You finally go to sleep, and the only reason you have comfort about sleeping is because God willing you will find this person in your dreams. Love is feeling someones touch when they are not with you. It is remembering their words, smell, and movements. It is the taste of their lips. Love is knowing you are not complete without your other half. Because truly you believe you are only half the person you can be without them. Love is also comfort, lust, like, respect, trust, sympathy, empathy, honor, and responsibility. Love is change. Love is caring about someone as much or more than you care for yourself. Love is blind. It doesn't care about the bad, the wrong, the dirty, amounts of time, or looks. The love I know... is all these things and a library of words more.

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