Saturday, April 18, 2009

Why Sigma Chi?

Sigma Chi is more than a fraternity. Sigma Chi is more than an organization with members sharing a common bond through a shared experience and an ideal. Sigma Chi is more than hanging out, partying, chapter meetings, and formals. Sigma Chi IS all of those things, however it is not defined by any single word or phrase. These letters I have tattooed to my ankle are as much a part of me as an arm or a leg. They are as much a part of me as any feeling I have ever felt. These letters on my ankle are there in a very physical way, I can not tell you how proud I am to be one of the few that can wear these letters. Though, wearing the letters alone is a great honor, to be known as a Sig is the most humbling thought I can come across. Sigma Chi has instilled in me what it is to be a man. A man with character, and integrity. A brother fully understanding personal responsibility and loyalty. Sigma Chi transformed me from a boy with potential to the man I was suppose to be. Without her where would I be, who would I be with? That thought is a scary one. I honestly do not know. My experience in Sigma Chi has spiritually saved me. My relationship with God was something I was never really sure about. Though, trying to live up to the ideals of the cross I have found myself in many ways. The most important...religiously. I find my God walking side by side with me now, at all times. Unless, like the poem "Footprints In The Sand", he is carrying me (which is often and I know that is why he is always next to me. To help me up when I stumble.)

Sigma Chi has given me faith.

This fraternity, Sigma Chi, does not ever bend or break. Some thing will always be... I will always be a Sigma Chi.

Some of us are lucky enough to have a brother or sister to grow up with. I am very lucky I have my brother Matt. Though, I didn't know it I was intended to have many more brothers than just him. In college I found Sigma Chi and soon I found my brothers that God wanted me to find. I honestly believe that these guys my brothers of Sigma Chi are the best thing that has ever happened to me. It is something when you can be completely honest, and open up to someone. It is something when you can trust someone with your life and you know they will always be there for you. It is something when your heart is connected to someone else in a way you never knew possible. That something is LOVE. I know I love my brothers of Sigma Chi because I am there for them as they are there for me...because we have lived this life together and side by side made it a better place... because I have cried, laughed and everything in between with these men, these brothers, THIS FAMILY.

Sigma Chi has given me eternal friendship.

This is why SIGMA CHI and why I will always be proud to be SIG. I will always be around as long as the Lord lets me.

In Hoc

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