Wednesday, June 3, 2009

One By One

This is for all you people who sit there and talk about other peoples business. Listen, don't you have your own lives to worry about? Isn't there something going on in your life that you should be tending to? I do not care if you talk about me because I put myself out there each and everyday. People know exactly what I am doing and how I am feeling... via this blog, twitter, facebook, or actually talking to me. If you are going to criticize me that is fine but make sure you do not have any skeletons in your closet, make sure that all of your problems are taken care of. You may be neglecting someone or even yourself. It is funny to me that some people have the time to snoop around other peoples business and talk about them but lack the confidence to talk about themselves. By talk about themselves I mean how they are truly feeling inside, what they want out of life and every emotion in between. I am a very confident person. I know that for every stupid, silly, immature thing I do... there are many more intelligent, mature, kind things. I can get kicked out of a baseball game, I can break up with a girlfriend, I can tell a friend how I feel, I can have a few too many drinks every once in a blue moon, I can accomplish ANYTHING I put my mind to. Do any of these things make me a bad person? Absolutely not! Do any of these things or hundreds of others make people bad people? Absolutely not! Bad people in my opinion come from bad qualities such as morals, ethics, failure of responsibility and sinning without remorse. If I ever sink to a level inappropriate in any of these... surely talk about me but at least do the decency of telling me or any person what they are doing is wrong. It is clear though, at least right now, that I am in complete control of myself and who I am. I am happy with this person and will not be intimidated into change. I will fulfill each of my goals. Goals are to be attained. Then you set your sights higher and higher as you go. You take what you can get and build upon each opportunity. Everything you want in life will not be handed to you on a silver platter. You have to work for it. Inch by inch. I am taking those inches and adding them up... one by one.

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