Sunday, March 13, 2011

Common Decency

This is related to my last post because a similar issue is on my mind. That issue being: how people can be so completely rude and sometimes down right mean. I see it pretty much everyday. With people In public, the people I work with, even sometimes with the people I call friends. It's really concerning how often people can forget that others have feelings. Not only is it concerning but with so much of this behavior going on it's easy to lose faith in our fellow man. I mean why do people treat each other this way. I know with all certainty that I would not be counted among this population. I go out of my way to be there for people and support them in whatever way I can. Though, I am troubled because I see so few doing the same thing. So few people showing common decency. I don't even mean towards strangers (while that would be ideal), but towards the people they supposedly care about. How have we as a population drifted so far from seeing what is right? Is it that people are so self-centered that they can not see beyond themselves? I believe this is the case. The world does not revolve around you.

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