Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Victory Over The Grave

I stand and proclaim that you Lord our my savior! I never will be ashamed of you or your word. You give me strength in all aspects of my life. I ask that you continue to lead me in my life. When I faulter you are there to pick me up. You have saved not only my soul but my flesh and blood life. My debt has been repayed thanks to your unfathomable love. I will let all the world know Jesus saves. I am your servent Lord. I will do your work as best I can. The path you have taken me down has taken away any doubt of the life I am suppose to lead and want to live. Your victory over death has set me free and I am forever greatful.


  1. Somehow, you being a Christian just doesn't fit. Not only are you a Christian, you seem really into it. *confused*
