Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Written Off

I find myself trying to look at the good in people a lot more lately. I want to forget about all the stupid stuff that has gone on in my life. I went through it, I learned from it and I want to move on. I want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt that they are truly good people. We all make mistakes. I understand that. I wish other people could realize this too. Why hold a grudge? Why be disrespectful? Why not try and like/love everyone. The bible says to love thy neighbor. I don't know...it is an easy concept to me, just a bit harder to put into action.

I have wronged people, I have given people reasons not to look up to me, I have given people reasons to not trust me, I have even given people reasons not to respect me. I have given people reasons to write me off, and they have. I believe we all do these things at times in our lives... and it goes one of two ways: we realize it or we don't. When we realize it we give ourselves some hope of redemption. If we understand why, who, what, etc we can actively seek out ways to repair or fix peoples views of us. That is if we care enough to do so. Now, I really don't care if people have negative views of me... when they do not know me or have never tried to understand me (the opposite of this is called a friend). Though, I do care, and I care very much what my family and friends think of me. I would love to have great relationships with all the people in my life but I do understand that it is nearly impossible for everything to be great all the time. Everytime someone of meaning leaves my life for one reason or another I feel like I am incomplete. There are a few people out there that are no longer a part of my life that I miss very much and think about nearly on a dayly basis. This makes me feel as I said 'incomplete' because I have put so much time into these relationships; sometimes years worth or more. But it really isn't the amount of time that makes a relationship worth something (at least to me). It is the quality of connection and understanding you have with them. For those that want nothing to do with me because of one thing or another I can only pray that God softens their heart and somehow beings us back together.

Everyone deserves another and another chance. We are only human we break down and screw up... often a lot more than we realize. I want to be able to open my heart and mind to those I have 'written off' and I hope that I can. I pray that I can. I only ask the same from some of you out there that have 'written" me off or anyone else.

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