Thursday, February 25, 2010

Consistently Happy?

I need to find happiness again. While I have had good days and bad days, I haven't had consistency with happiness in a very long time. I would say it has been about two years since I woke up happy and went to bed happy, day in and day out. Everything has been stacking up on top of me. It honestly is getting overwhelming. If you know me you probably know of some of the things I am going through. Though, that is not where I want this post to go. The point of this post is suppose to be... realizing what makes you happy and going for it... So, with that being said, what has made me happy in the past has been being in a relationship I care about. For the past two years I have been in and out of relationships nothing that has ever really developed into anything more than dating. Maybe, because I wasn't ready or other reasons I really don't know. However, whatever my approach to relationships has been for the past few years I am throwing out the window. I need to try something new for my sake. I can not keep traveling down the same dead ends. I need to pursue situations that actually have a shot at making sense. I have been doing one of two things...trying to make something work, that simply won't or dating someone just because I hope that I will close a gap in my life. Both of these are horrible for me and both end up badly. I need to grow up in this aspect of my life...I am going to work on more foolishness.


  1. I also find myself wanting a relationship just to be in one. Friday I went out dancing with the intention specifically of NOT trying to meet anyone. It was fun and freeing! We'll see if I can keep that up.

  2. I respect that... it is so difficult to do when your mind has been set and programed a specific way
