Monday, June 21, 2010

The Search Continues

Finding a Meaningful relationship has become one of the most difficult things I've had to go through. It use to come so easily. I met someone, we liked each other, we started dating. Plain and simple. Now, as I get older there are so many different dimensions for picking a person to start a relationship with, according to society. I mean the key characteristics are the same between society and my approach: find them attractive, have a good personality and get along well. The above use to be all that was really needed to at least make an attempt at a relationship. Now, however, we judge possible significant others on their job, education and their past. I don't want to be part of that mold. I don't care where you went to school or if you did at all, I don't care if you make 80k or 8k. What I do care about are your moral convictions, your ability to let go and have fun, your wit and sense of humor. I look for qualities such as integrity, ambition, and strength of character. These are all things we ourselves can control and determine. We choose how we are defined based on our beliefs and ideals. While I didn't attend the best university, I am still intelligent...while I don't have the greatest job, I still work hard. And, even though I might never have millions of dollars, I do know what I want out of life... I want to be happy. Happiness comes to different people in different ways. I am my happiest when I have someone to share this life in conclusion: the search continues.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Don't Let Life Pass You By

It has become clear to me that the majority of people in this world let life pass them by. I can not fathom going through life without enjoying each moment. We often don't appreciate our lives, by that I mean, we don't make good use of our time. People in general are stuck on societies beliefs that a successful life is shaped by status and status coming from money, power, and title. My question though is what good are all those things if you don't enjoy the journey obtaining them? I mean I'm sure a select few people do like their rode to "success" but I'm willing to bet that most miss out on a lot of other opportunities often without realizing it. Don't get me wrong either, I do like having nice things and a means of obtaining them. Though, my thought structure is significantly unorthodox, at least compared to what I think is the norm. At this point in my life I am still young enough to enjoy each day and all this world has to offer, without being rich. However, I believe myself to be extremely wealthy. Wealthy in sense that I have great friends, family and the time to enjoy both as often as humanly possible. When I am old and grey I won't have much to look back on and regret ( unless I end up broke haha). But really I'm not saying people shouldn't care about their careers and the dollars they bring in because I do very much. I do have goals and the ambition to achieve them. What I am saying is...find a happy medium. Stop worrying so much if life doesn't go the way you planned, don't let yourself fall into a routine boring life, make extra time for fun...whatever fun is to you, do it more, do it often and do it well. Because chances are when you are old and grey you won't be able to do the things you can today. Time is precious and is spent recklessly in least according to me. Don't let life pass you by.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

When You Are Looking...

At different times in our lives we go looking to fill certain voids. It always seems the harder we look the more elusive the "filler" becomes. I don't want to give up searching for these things because I feel a certain obligation to myself not to give up but also then second guess myself wondering if I should just put faith in God to let it happen as it will. It is that ageless question whether or not we control our own destiny? I believe we do to a certain extent, though I don't know where that leaves me. Do I continue searching and all the while praying God meets me half way? I suppose that is what I believe and will do... I will eventually find what I am looking for due to my persistence and God's will or what some call fate and yet others call luck. Regardless of what you believe or what you call it we all begin and end at the same places. That is if we have the same mindset to begin with. That mindset being goal oriented, strong willed, and determined.