Monday, May 17, 2010

Dark Hearts, Dark Days

There are not many bright times left in this world. The days are often eclipsed in sorrow, hurt, greed, hate and bitterness. I find that more and more people forget about common decency, they forget how to feel empathy or even sympathy. It is a world bound, by the now common thought of, 'it is all about me'. This practice smuthers all types of relationships, from significant others to the closest of friends. It hurts me to watch people around me lose faith in hope. Though, I can barely blame them and the more I watch the further that very hope slips from my own soul. What causes this, this loss of hope? I truly believe it falls almost entirely on one issue, one fault. We as a people have lost appreciation for others good deeds, for what our peers graciously have done for us. Simply we take a lot for granted. If we are taken for granted enough times why keep on doing what we do? For our own piece of mind? Well that may work for a few, I can promise you it is not the majority. The majority will eventually stop putting themselves out there. The reason for stopping is smiple...we don't want to feel that sting in our heart. That feeling of having done something worthy, respectable or just plain nice, this feeling should be rewarding even if only to us but it's been squandered by those who our act has so graciously been given. Because they haven't acknowledged our effort we feel that bitter sting deep in our heart. It darkens our days and this world. For a world without hope is a world without light.